Unlocking Q4 Success: The Ultimate Q3 Strategy

Q3 isn't just another quarter—it's our strategic playground to refine, test, and prepare for an outstanding Q4, a quarter where we dedicate one final push to ‘fill the funnel’ before the Q4 craziness pushes through to clear the funnel out by converting everyone in it to customers.

Essential Q3 Paid Ads Strategies


    • Creative Testing: Use Q3’s calm environment to test various ad creative hooks. Discover what resonates best with your audience first with leading metrics like attention rate, hold rate, and CTR, and then by main KPIs like ROAS or CAC. Don’t finish your testing too early, use a creative pause threshold cheat sheet to determine when/why to pause assets.

    • Offer and Promo Testing: Experiment with different incentives such as discount codes, free shipping, or bundled offers. Identify what your audience loves and prepare to scale those offers in Q4.

    • Lead Generation: Revamp your lead forms with enticing offers like “Subscribe now and get a 20% voucher.” Capture leads now and nurture them through Q4 for maximum impact. Consider running on-platform leads given their affordability in Q3.

Prepare and Clean Data Sources :

    • Connect as many data sources to your ad accounts as possible. Make your lists granular. Ie: highest LTV customers, recent 1st-time customers, subscribers, add to carts, etc. 

    • Clean your platform 1st party sets. Ie: Video views, impressions, ad engagers, etc. so these segments are ready for remarketing in Q4.

Leverage Creative and Offer Trends from The Industry:

    • Analyze your business success, and competitors, from last year 

    • Deep dive into creative that is performing well now across the industry (we leverage foreplay for this).

Scale Creator Generated Content:

    • Ramp up the volume with creators. If you generally get 20 pieces of content a month from various creators, aim for 30-40 in Q3. This will help expand your brand/product awareness during our final phases (Q3) to fill the funnel. 

  1. Website Optimization:

    • Enhance User Experience: Ensure your website is optimized for the Q4 rush. Test user experience, streamline checkout processes, and ensure mobile optimization.

By implementing these strategies in Q3, you’ll gather crucial data and insights to optimize your campaigns for Q4. This approach ensures your efforts are targeted, data-driven, and highly effective, paving the way for a successful and profitable holiday season.

Q3 is your prep season to experiment, optimize, and get everything in place for a knockout Q4. These actionable strategies will help you refine your approach, ensuring Q4 is not just a season of increased sales, but a testament to your brand’s ability to adapt and thrive in a competitive market. 

Embrace these strategies now to turn the holiday rush into a season of triumph. Happy strategizing!

Varsha Mestha