How Traditional Marketing Helps Lift Digital Performance

We recently shared some insights for an article titled “Storytelling Secrets – Back to Basics” in Connect Magazine. In keeping with Pennock’s core value of transparency, we wanted to share our thoughts here as well!

What are some traditional marketing methods that still hold value in today’s digital age, and why?

Print ads, direct mail, and event marketing continue to hold significant value in today’s digital age because they offer a tangible, personal touch that digital methods often lack. Traditional techniques can create lasting impressions, particularly when they target the right audience. For example, receiving a well-crafted direct mail piece can feel more personal and engaging than digital communications, making it a powerful tool for increasing customer lifetime value. In fact, the ROI on direct mail is often three times that of digital campaigns.

How can brands effectively integrate traditional marketing techniques with digital strategies to create a cohesive marketing plan?

To create a cohesive, 360-degree marketing plan, it’s essential to bring together leaders from both brand marketing and digital marketing. This collaboration ensures that campaigns are supported across all mediums, aligning with the campaign’s business objectives. For instance, an in-person trade event can be promoted through digital paid media and then recapped on social media and via SMS/email. A print ad can be highlighted on the homepage hero, tying the offline experience to the DTC experience. This hybrid approach leverages the strengths of both traditional and digital marketing, reaching a broader audience and reinforcing the brand’s message across multiple touchpoints.

How can traditional marketing methods bolster customer engagement and brand loyalty in ways digital marketing might not?

Pop-up events and other traditional marketing methods allow customers to experience the brand and interact with the brand team in ways that digital channels can’t replicate. When these experiences are positive, they tend to leave a lasting impact, deepening customer engagement and loyalty.

Are there any challenges associated with using traditional marketing tactics today? If so, how do you overcome them?

Traditional advertising often comes with higher costs and challenges in tracking ROI. To overcome these obstacles, businesses can use unique codes, QR codes, or specific URLs in traditional marketing materials to track engagement and conversions. While digital marketing provides instant feedback through metrics like clicks and shares, traditional methods require more nuanced measurement strategies, such as customer surveys or tracking changes in sales volume post-campaign. Despite these challenges, the emotional connection and trust that traditional marketing fosters often lead to deeper customer engagement and long-term loyalty.

Can you share a story about how a traditional marketing method outperformed digital for a specific initiative?

We’ve helped brands geo-saturate audiences to support local growth across both physical and digital shopping experiences. These efforts have included out-of-home (OOH) billboards, pop-up events, direct mail, and audio ads. When campaigns, including pop-ups, run for a minimum of four weeks, we’ve observed strong success in physical stores. Our cohort analysis shows that customers exposed to these traditional marketing tactics tend to spend 1.22 times more than those outside the targeted geography.

If you’re looking to create a powerful, integrated marketing strategy that combines the best of traditional and digital tactics, we’d love to help. At Pennock, we specialize in crafting campaigns that not only reach your target audience but also resonate deeply to drive lasting results. Reach out to us today, and let’s strategize together to elevate your brand’s presence across all channels.