How Marketers Can Prepare for Holiday 2021

How Marketers can prep for holiday 2021

The 2020 holiday season was — unprecedented (yes, this is an overused phrase, but nonetheless, true!). 

According to Facebook, 2020 brought extraordinary digital acceleration to retail. It took 10 years for eCommerce purchases to grow from 5.6% to 16% in 2019. And just 2 months into the pandemic, eCommerce purchases grew to 32% — catapulting digital shopping 10 years into the future!

Now as the 2021 holiday season approaches, many marketers are wondering what this year has in store for their eCommerce clients and how they can prepare. After all, the holidays are just a few short months away — let the preparation begin!


Increased Online and Hybrid Shopping

As we head into the 2021 holiday season, even as in-store shopping opens its doors, online shopping is here to stay. eMarketer forecasts that there will be 2.38B global digital buyers in 2021.


Before ever stepping foot into a physical store, shoppers encounter various digital touchpoints as they go through their decision-making process. They can research product details, find customer reviews, and compare pricing. Blending physical and digital experiences is the key to enhancing interactions with customers whether they choose to buy online or in store this holiday season. Continually delivering an exceptional shopping experience throughout the customer journey.

Mobile Shopping

Purchasing on mobile is one to watch. Shopping on mobile devices is easy to do for on-the-go shoppers. However, cart abandonment can be higher on mobile. This is a trend that online retailers should try to curb by providing a frictionless mobile shopping experience, and remembering that people are more inclined to make a purchase from their mobile device if a discount is available.

Social Media Shopping Experiences

Tech-savvy millennials and Gen Zers are no strangers to social media shopping and brands are noticing! This holiday season, expect your social feeds to be inundated with influencers sharing their must-haves for the season and product reviews. This more subtle, less in-your-face type of advertising is great for impulse shoppers and shoppers who are into trends (UGC is their love language!). 

Pandemic Era Messaging

Re-embracing traditions old and new, the joy (and challenges) of returning to in-person gatherings, loss, shifting perspectives on what’s most important in life — this is the year for genuine stories where your customer sits at the heart of your customer journey rather than your marketing strategy. Now is the time that we prioritize the perspective of the customer and connect with them on ultra-personalized levels.

Early Deals and Promotions

Holiday shopping started earlier than ever in 2020 — a trend we expect to continue this year. Businesses with and without physical stores offered online deals up to a month before Thanksgiving and encouraged consumers to shop online. Holiday season will be longer than ever before — with Prospecting beginning as early as August and September due to Back to School, Labor Day and Return to Work opportunities that we didn’t see in 2020.


Consumer behavior has changed a lot over the past year and audience loyalty continues to be up-for-grabs — creating opportunities for advertisers to re-invigorate their brand to get in front of new audiences now with Broad Prospecting campaigns.

During the holiday season, it can be hard for merchants to differentiate themselves exclusively on price. With a bit of creativity and a good dose of empathy, merchants can win over customers with a stellar customer experience from first touch through to post-purchase interactions.