Data Analysis of Top Paid Media Assets for Fashion & Lifestyle Brands

We work extensively with lifestyle and fashion brands. Given they are so visual in nature, we dedicate a lot of our time to developing winning creative strategies that will generate the highest possible ROAS and CAC for our fashion and lifestyle brands.

As part of our Quarterly Business Review, we analyze creative performance, coding each ad so we have statistical significance to back our creative strategies.

What are the dimensions we use for our lifestyle and fashion ads?

  1. The asset type: video, gif, static image, carousel

  2. If video, what is the length? Under 10 seconds, 11-20 seconds, 20-30 seconds

  3. Does it contain callouts as text overlays?

  4. Does the asset contain influencers?

  5. Does it focus on one product or a seasonal collection?

  6. Does the asset/ad copy contain a promo?

  7. Does the asset/ad copy contain UGC?

Once the dimensions are defined we export performance reporting data from the ads platform. In Google Sheets, we add a column for every dimension listed above. Then, ad by ad, we input details about each dimension.
Next, we pivot (tutorial on pivots)! The result enables us to see the statistics against main business KPIs around each dimension.

code to decode creative performance

The results

Our findings indicate, for this particular client:

  • GIF followed by video ads continue to perform well against ROAS, especially as assets are used across paid platforms: Meta, Pinterest, and TikTok.

  • Images are the lowest ROAS contributors, however, they still serve a purpose for most clients (promos, on-model, etc).

  • While Influencer and UGC assets have stronger CTR they do not generate stronger ROAS.

From these results, we build our creative breif and strategy for the quarter to double down on tests to farther define the winning strategy for each client.

Pro tip

Once you establish your reporting dimensions, start adding them to your ad names. This will make the coding phase much faster.

ie: a 25% Off Sitewide Promo Video with a model and a UGC testimonial that is 12 seconds in length would be named

Looking for an team to manage your paid media campaigns? Get in touch!