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City Lights SF, a San Francisco-based lighting showroom, sought to improve its online visibility and boost sales. Partnering with Pennock, they devised a strong strategy with a key focus on elevating their return on ad spend


The objective was to effectively enhance the promotion of shopping and performance max campaigns, elevating conversions and ROAS.


Our Approach.

  1. Data Analysis: We thoroughly examined the client's historical conversion data from Google Analytics to pinpoint the top-performing geographical areas.

  2. Geo-Targeted Campaign: Based on the data, we crafted a strategy to create a performance-maximizing campaign that exclusively targeted these top 5 locations.

  3. Asset Utilization: During the Thanksgiving and Black Friday week, we launched a Performance Max campaign featuring products with strong sales. This campaign utilized video assets to effectively promote these products to the target audience.

  4. Continuous Monitoring: Throughout the campaign, we closely monitored performance metrics and made real-time adjustments to optimize results.

Services Provided.

  • Campaign Planning

  • Audience management

  • Media Management

  • Data-Driven Approach

  • Comprehensive Strategy

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Key Results.


25.38x ROAS

Attained an impressive ROAS of 25.38X during the peak shopping week, underscoring strategic timing and asset effectiveness.


Result & Positive Impact

  • The initial campaign targeting the top 5 geo-targeted locations achieved a remarkable ROAS of 7.2X, showcasing the effectiveness of our tailored approach.

  • The campaign launched during the Thanksgiving and Black Friday week emerged as the most successful. It boasted an impressive ROAS of 25.38X, highlighting the power of strategic timing and asset utilization.

  • The overall revenue experienced a substantial increase of 181.4%, showcasing the significant impact of our campaign strategies on the client's bottom line.

  • The ROAS across all campaigns improved significantly by 137.3%, demonstrating the consistent success of our data-driven and targeted approach.